Understanding Insurance Riders

  • 3 Types Of Auto Insurance Cover You Should Never Go Without

    15 August 2019

    As a driver, you have the right to choose the types of coverage you have for your auto insurance policy, but it is very important to choose the right types so that you have the coverage you really need. While there are a lot of options to choose from, there are three types of coverage that you should never go without. Liability coverage The first type you should not go without is called liability coverage.

  • Finding A Homeowner's Insurance Agent When You're New To The City

    17 July 2019

    When you're new to an area, it's fine to visit a coffee shop or dry cleaner simply because someone else said they were great. However, it's not okay to partner with a homeowner's insurance agent simply because of word of mouth. Recommendations from others are especially helpful when you're in a new city, but when it comes to protecting your home, you need confidence that the agent is the right match for you.

  • What Is A Home Insurance Checkup And Why Should You Get One Annually?

    17 July 2019

    Having insurance is one of the best ways to protect yourself against the unknown, and you can purchase home insurance as a way of protecting yourself against the unknowns that could happen to your home. When you purchase a policy, you should update it on a yearly basis, and doing this is called getting an insurance checkup. What happens during a home insurance checkup? A home insurance checkup is simply a time when you talk to a homeowner's insurance agent about your policy, coverage, risks, needs, and changes in your life.

  • How To Get Discounts On Your Homeowners Insurance

    25 June 2019

    When you buy a house, your lender may require that you show proof that you purchased homeowners insurance before your loan is approved. Your premium is based on a number of factors such as the type of home you own, where it is located, and even your credit history. Here are some things you can do that may qualify you for a discount on your homeowners insurance premiums: Multi-Line Discount

  • Settling a Claim When Your Car Gets Stolen

    14 June 2019

    There are car thieves everywhere, and you never know if or when they will find your car and decide to steal it. If this happens to you, hopefully you have the right type of car insurance to cover the claim, and there are several things to understand about car insurance claims for stolen vehicles. Collision does not cover theft of vehicles but comprehensive does With car insurance, there are two main types of coverages most people have: collision and comprehensive coverage.